PechaKucha (Japanese for “chit chat”) is the world’s fastest-growing storytelling platform, used by millions around the globe. 20 slides. 20 seconds of commentary per slide. That’s it. Simple. Engaging. Spurring authentic connections. Vol. 44's theme: ROOTS is about belonging, community, change & stories. How a location can ground us, define who we are, where we come from and the work we do in a community. Sharing what it means when our work, or ourselves, respond and/or adapts to an environment.
The event included a truly inspiring line-up of speakers (artists, architects, farmers, chefs, designers, social workers to name a few) who shared their practices with us and discussed what ROOTS, meant to them.
For the ROOTS 2023 poster, the design featured a 3D line drawing of two Christchurch buildings, representing the city’s architectural identity. This was juxtaposed with a flourishing floral area, symbolising growth and renewal within an urban setting. The combination of the architectural and natural elements speaks the theme of ROOTS, reflecting how urban environments and nature intersect to shape our sense of belonging and community.

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